Coffee across the world


The Starbuck’s red cups are out and the winter flavours have started appearing on coffee menus across the high street.  As autumn and winter arrive there is nothing more appealing than relaxing with your favoring mug of coffee providing the heat (and energy) on our cold weather days. During all seasons, we always ensure that we have a fresh cup of coffee in hand, and in the James Aimer team we all have our preference as to our favourite serve... Which got us thinking, how do other countries like to take their coffee and how does it differ between regions...


Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is defined as the birthplace of coffee. People in Ethiopia have been known to regularly perform coffee ceremonies that include social events to bring families and friends together. During these events, beautiful and nice smelling flowers are scattered in every corner of the room. Incense is then burned to send away evil spirits. Coffee beans are boiled and served to every member of the family to symbolize respect and love.


Italian Coffee

Italian coffee is referred to as espresso. The Coffee is served in small white mugs and are referred to as shots. These mugs can only be picked with only one or two fingers. This coffee does not need any fixing and is normally finished within a short time. Around the western, some people usually add a shot of espresso in coffee so as to give an extra flavor. Most high street coffee machines make espresso coffee, this is then adapted to become other drinks such as a Latté.

Indian Coffee

Coffee became popular in India during the 16th century after being introduced by Baba Buda, a Muslim man. Here coffee is brewed slowly using special filtering devices and then served in metal cups referred to as tumbler (see featured image). The coffee is then mixed with sugar and milk. It is usually drunk at ceremonies and special events. The first man who introduced coffee in India smuggled coffee beans into the country after a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Coffee of France

Coffee is referred to as Café au lait. Every day must begin with a cup of hot café au lait. This coffee is usually served with fresh croissants. Sometimes the coffee is mixed with milk and stirred continuously. Most French festivities begin with a hot cup of coffee served with a wide variety of tasty desserts. Take a trip to France and grab a cup of coffee. Bon appetite.

Turkish Coffee

Coffee is not just a drink in Turkey but an experience. It is usually served in Cezve mostly after meals. Turkish coffee is normally strong and very dark. There is no better way to celebrate in social gatherings without a cup of Turkish coffee. Coffee beans normally stick at the bottom of the coffee cup are used to determine fortune. When you are through with your coffee, turn the mug upside down for some time and see whether the coffee beans are still stuck and interpret the message.

Cuban Coffee

In Cuba, coffee is drunk every morning and during the day. It is a powerful dark drink used to perk you up during the day. During social events, traditional foods are prepared while sipping coffee. It is believed to give you energy you need to remain active.