Milk? Sugar? Irn Bru?

Milk? Sugar? Irn Bru?



We are all used to the usual questions when it comes to our coffee serve; Cappuccino, Latte, milk, how many sugars? And more recently our high street coffee houses have brought something new to the table with flavours including hazelnut, vanilla, caramel, gingerbread and even eggnog! With the latter we thought we had heard it all, that was until this week- an Irn Bru coffee!


Whilst many of us may recoil in horror, one Scottish café has started serving “totally Scottish coffee” to its’ customers after one of their baristas added Irn Bru to the mix.  Using Scotland’s second national drink and a shot of coffee to create his trademark brew, Daniel Todd, wowed judges at a barista competition with his creation, and since then his café have decided to serve his new trademark coffee to its’ customers. 


A self confessed coffee and Irn Bru addict, he came up with the drink- a short shot of espresso with a dash of cold Irn Bru- which tastes like another childhood favourite- the Wham bar.  The Irn Bru completely changes the flavor of the bean and really is the first truly Scottish coffee. His next ambition is to do a Jager Bomb version, but we are not sure how that one will take off- we might just stick to the traditional Irish Coffee for now.


At James Aimer, whilst we admit we are not as adventurous a Daniel, we can create any blend, tailored to our customers requirements and desired taste profile. Please get in touch with to discuss any requirements you may have.