Coffee vs. Tea

While tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world next to water (and right before beer), coffee is also hugely popular. And both drinks have been around for a long time…


According to legend, tea was first discovered by the Emperor of China in 2737 BC while he was boiling water under a tree. When leaves accidentally fell into the boiling water, he tasted it and was surprised by its goodness. Tea then became popular among scholars and priests in China and Japan, who drank tea to stay awake, study, and meditate.

Coffee, meanwhile, didn’t seem to appear until much later — and is believed to have originated in the Ethiopian highlands, where legend says a goat herder named Kaldi noticed his goats became hyperactive after eating certain berries from a tree. Coffee then spread to monks at monasteries, where they drank the beverage to keep them alert while praying. From there, it began making its way across the Arabian Peninsula. Both coffee and tea remained Eastern beverages for a long time; coffee didn’t even arrive in Europe until the 17th century.

At James Aimer we have been producing tea and coffee since 1884, sourcing and blending only the finest beans and leaves to provide our clients with exceptional blends and taste profiles.  We are often asked which we prefer, tea or coffee? The honest answer is neither, we have been working in the industry for so long that coffee and tea are in our blood! For years scientists have been researching the various health benefits of tea and coffee, which we should be drinking, and which to limit our intake of. So we thought as our first James Aimer blog should put them both in the arena… COFFEE VS. TEA: The Health Benefits!



  • Coffee generally has up to 150 mg of caffine per cup, depending mostly on roast


  • Coffee drinkers have been shown to have a lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease later. 


  • Certain compounds in coffee apear to aid in heart health, some of which are being extracted for possible use in heart medication.


  • Coffee has been shown to increase reaction times and improve short term memory in coffee drinkers. The effect is most pronounced in the elderly.


  • Coffee has been found to protect the liver from cirrhosis, and recent studies found that compounds found in coffee may inhibit liver cancer. 
  • Black tea is the tea with the most caffeine, coming in at upwards of 65mg per cup, and white tea has the least, averaging only 25mg per cup. 


  • Tea drinkers have been found to have a lower incidence of esophageal cancer than average. One theory sugests that antioxidants found in tea, particularly white tea, may inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


  • Green and white tea have been shown to inhibit fat growth and promote fat oxidation. 


  • Unlike coffee, tea actually hydrates the body.  This difference is thought to be mostly due to the lower caffeine content.


  • Tea has been shown to inhibit the body's production of cortisol, the stress hormone.  So tea drinkers really are more mellow.